söndag 30 augusti 2009

My last week in Sweden!

Yesterday I went to the neighbour town on a foodfestival. It's THE Festival because that's where I met my lovely boyfriend three years ago. It was a great night! And I ate a lot ;)

Today I went up early for church! I loved to meet all "my" lovely children again. I will miss them a lot. I've also got to carry the cross :) I wish Amanda all luck. She will be me this year. Haha! I know you will have a great time. On tuesday I will go to my old work for one last goodbye! Love them <3

I'm looking forward to improve in both spanish and english. I really need it! So on wednesday I will go from Skara at maybe 06.30 (I still don't know this am and pm. Hate that) hopefully someone else will drive, I will be so tired. My mum and dad will come with me to Göteborg! After a few hours in London I finally will arrive in Bilbao at 21.15! Puuh that will be a long day!

Have a great week everybody, I'll try :)

Besos a mis amigos!! Te quiero!

söndag 23 augusti 2009

10 days left!

I have start counting the days. In 10 days I'm on my second hour in Bilbao. If everything goes as the plans. The days passing by and I've spent another great day with Guada, been travelling, finished my work for this summer and already said goodbye to people who are moving. Now it's time to get ready I have to many things left. I need some help over here! Please!

Start listening to spanish music again.
I'm now a member on www.tuenti.com

I'm so spanish!! ;)

Besos // Elvira

söndag 2 augusti 2009


Yesterday I met a friend from Spain, who is living with another friend here in Sweden. It made me want to go to Spain even more but it also made me realazied that my spanish isn't what it used to be... I really have to practise, a lot!

He tenido un tarde bien contigo Guada, Gracias!

Maybe I'm so wrong, it can't be any worse at least!

Take care // Elvira

lördag 1 augusti 2009


Welcome to my new blogg! It's a blogg where I will write about my life in Spain, Bilbao!

I'm Elvira from Sweden and today it's almost a month until I'm leaving I'm really excited. Everything feels great and if it wasn't for my family and friends at home I would be glad if I could leave today!

We will meet again! // Elvira